
Thanks for visiting Mr$. Mula!  I started this blog as way to share some of the experiences my Hubs (a.k.a. Mr. Mula) and I have faced as we started to take control over our personal finances.

I’m your typical young working professional, jumping on conference calls at 7pm working 50+ hours a week, but I realized that I am living to work rather than working to live. I’ve heard that phase traveling in my youth as a knock to the American’s attitude towards work, but never really understood what it meant until now. I spend more time stressing about my job and juggling grown up responsibilities, that I forgot to allow myself to dream bigger.

About nine months ago, the Hubs and I decided to take back our lives to get out of the monotony of the corporate workweek. Although we like the stability our corporate jobs afford, we want more control and flexibility in our lives. The vision, although still fluid at this point, is to gain our financial independence. To make the time for ourselves, so we can invest in our passions and each other. We started budgeting and allocating all our savings to aggressively paying off debt – in fact we just celebrated paying off our mortgage in full in March!

The Hubs and I have increased our net worth threefold since we started tracking three years ago.  I’m a millennial (gulp) married to a GenXer, we’re just a couple of DINKs (Dual Income, No Kids) plus our 150lbs English Mastiff. In the last 3 years, I’ve subtantially increased my gross salary and made a conscious effort to improve my work life balance.  I’ve lived in 10 difference cities across the US during my career, studied & worked aboard, and visited over 25 countries.  My hope is to use this blog to share the lesson’s that have helped us build our net worth, to help jump start your career, help you master your personal finances and achieve your own financial independence objectives.